Patient App: How does the awards page work?

Our Awards Progression System is designed to guide users through their auditory training exercises in a structured and progressive manner.

Awards (1)

Levels of Exercises

  1. Level 1: Beginner
  2. Level 2: Intermediate
  3. Level 3: Advanced
  4. Level 4: Expert

Initial Progression

  • Starting Point: When users first use the application, they must complete all Level 1 exercises before choosing another exercise.

Progression Order

Once a user completes all Level 1 exercises, they will progress through exercises in the following order:

  1. Speech in Noise: Exercises to improve understanding speech amid background noise.
  2. Rapid Speech: Exercises to improve comprehension of fast talkers.
  3. Speech Reading: Exercises to enhance lip-reading skills.
  4. Working Memory: Exercises to strengthen auditory working memory.

Switching Exercises

  • Exercise Change: If users decide to change the exercise they're working on, the system will continue to serve the new exercise type until they reach the end of that level.
  • Resuming Order: After completing the level of the newly selected exercise, the system will move down the list from the current exercise type to the next one in the predetermined order.

Example Scenario

  1. Starting with Level 1: The user completes all Level 1 exercises across all types.
  2. Progression to Level 2:
    • The user begins with Level 2 Speech in Noise exercises.
    • If the user switches to Rapid Speech, they will complete all Level 2 Rapid Speech exercises before moving on.
    • Once Rapid Speech Level 2 is completed, the user will move to Speech Reading Level 2 exercises.
  3. Continuation: This process continues until all Level 2 exercises are completed, then moves on to Level 3 and so forth.

Key Points

  • Users must complete all exercises at the current level before moving to the next level.
  • Progression is structured to ensure comprehensive training across all exercise types.
  • Changing exercises allows users to focus on specific skills while maintaining overall progression.

This structured approach ensures users develop a well-rounded set of auditory skills, progressing from easier to more challenging exercises in a logical sequence.